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How to Get Free Books from Publishers

How to Get Free Books From Publishers?

Unlock the secrets of how to get free books from publishers. Gain valuable strategies for building your book collection at no cost.

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Getting free books from publishers is a fantastic way to build your personal library without breaking the bank. Publishers often distribute free books for various reasons, such as promoting new releases, generating buzz, or gaining reviews.

In this blog, we’ll share five proven ways to get free books from publishers.

Quick Guide

1. Request Review Copies via Email
Obtain free books from publishers by requesting review copies through polite emails, providing your details, and showcasing your reviewing credentials.
2. Utilize NetGalley and Edelweiss
Utilize digital platforms like NetGalley and Edelweiss to access a wide range of digital review copies by creating an account and requesting titles that interest you.
3. Participate in Social Media Giveaways
Participate in social media giveaways by following publishers, entering contests, and actively engaging with book-related discussions on platforms like Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook.
4. Start a Book Blog or Bookstagram
Consider starting a book blog or Bookstagram account to showcase your passion for books and reach out to publishers for review copies.
5. Attend Library and Bookstore Events
Attend library and bookstore events to get free books, network with authors and publishers, and participate in the book community.

Detailed Guide

1. Review Copies

How to get free books from publishers

When it comes to obtaining free books, review copies are a great starting point. Publishers value honest opinions from readers, which is why they’re often willing to provide review copies. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

Identify the Books You’re Interested In:
To receive books you’ll genuinely enjoy, begin by identifying genres or authors you’re passionate about. This will make your reviews more authentic.

  • Find the Publisher’s Contact Information: Visiting the publisher’s website is the primary way to obtain their contact information. Look for an “About Us” or “Contact Us” section. You might also find submission guidelines for review copies.
  • Compose a Polite Email: When contacting publishers, make sure your email is courteous and professional. Start by introducing yourself and expressing your interest in reviewing their books.
  • Provide Your Details: To facilitate the process, include essential details like your mailing address and preferred format (physical or digital). If you have a blog or active social media accounts where you plan to post your reviews, share those links as well.
  • Wait Patiently: Keep in mind that publishers receive numerous requests, so it may take some time to receive a response. If they agree to provide you with a review copy, they will typically send it to you at no cost.

2. NetGalley and Edelweiss

These digital platforms are heaven-sent for avid readers and reviewers. They connect publishers with reviewers and provide an easy way to access digital review copies:

Create an Account:
Registering on NetGalley and Edelweiss is free. You’ll need to create a profile, complete with your reading preferences and reviewing history.

  • Request Books: These platforms offer a vast array of books across various genres. Browse their catalogs, select titles that intrigue you, and request them. Publishers will review your request and may approve or decline it.
  • Download eBooks: If your request is accepted, you can download the digital copies to your e-reader or reading app. After reading, be sure to leave your review on the platform and share it on other platforms if applicable.

3. Social Media Giveaways

How to get free books from publishers

Publishers frequently use social media to engage with readers and promote their books. To participate in social media giveaways:

  • Follow Publishers: Start by following publishers you admire on platforms like Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook.
  • Enter Giveaways: Keep an eye out for posts announcing giveaways. To enter, you might need to follow specific instructions such as liking, sharing, or commenting on the post.
  • Stay Engaged: Participate actively in discussions about books and book-related topics on these platforms. Publishers sometimes reward engaged and enthusiastic followers with surprise giveaways.

4. Book Blogging

How to get free books from publishers

If you’re passionate about reading and writing, consider starting a book blog or a Bookstagram (Instagram for books) account. This approach allows you to showcase your love for books while potentially receiving free copies for review:

Start a Book Blog or Account:
Create a dedicated space where you can post book reviews, author interviews, and other book-related content. Make sure your platform reflects your unique style and personality.

  • Reach Out to Publishers: Publishers are often interested in working with passionate book bloggers. Contact them and provide information about your blog or account, including your niche, target audience, and previous book-related content you’ve created.
  • Request Review Copies: If your blog or account aligns with the publisher’s target audience, they may send you books to review. Ensure you maintain professionalism and integrity in your reviews to build trust with publishers.

5. Library and Bookstore Events

How to get free books from publishers

Attending events hosted by libraries or bookstores can be an enjoyable way to snag free books and connect with authors and publishers:

Check Local Listings:
Keep an eye on local event listings or announcements from libraries and bookstores. Many of them host book-related events like author signings, book launches, and literary festivals.

  • Attend Events: Whenever there’s an event in your area, make an effort to attend. Publishers often collaborate with these venues and provide free copies of books, especially for book launches or author talks.
  • Engage with Authors and Publishers: At these events, take the opportunity to engage with authors and publishers. Networking and building relationships can lead to further opportunities for receiving free books.

Final Words

Remember, when receiving free books from publishers, it’s crucial to uphold your end of the bargain by providing honest and constructive reviews. Your reviews not only benefit publishers but also help fellow readers make informed choices about their next read. Building a reputation as a reliable reviewer can lead to more opportunities for free books in the future. So, read and review with passion and integrity, and enjoy the journey of expanding your book collection!

Frequently Asked Questions

To receive free books from publishers, start a book blog, create a Bookstagram account, or engage with publishers on social media. Reach out to them professionally, expressing your interest in reviewing their books, and provide details about your platform and audience.


Yes, publishers often provide free copies of books to reviewers, bloggers, and influencers to generate buzz and garner reviews. They may distribute these copies through platforms like NetGalley, Edelweiss, social media giveaways, or directly via email requests.

To get a book directly from a publisher, visit their website, find their contact information, and send a polite email expressing your interest in reviewing a specific book. Include your mailing address and preferred format (physical or digital) if requested.

You can obtain free copies of books by participating in social media giveaways, joining reading communities, borrowing from libraries, or exploring platforms like NetGalley and Edelweiss for digital review copies. Additionally, consider starting a book blog or engaging with authors and publishers to request review copies.

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