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How to Make a Wordless Book?

We’ve shared a straightforward process for both picture & construction paper books. Let’s sort out all confusion.

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Do you want to make a wordless book? It’s such an artistic and expressive endeavor that transcends language barriers and speaks directly to the heart. This unique form of storytelling relies solely on captivating illustrations and vivid imagery to convey powerful emotions and narratives. In the absence of words, the reader becomes an active participant, interpreting and internalizing the visual journey in their own profound way.

Crafted with boundless creativity, a wordless book provides an open canvas for both the creator and the audience to immerse themselves in a world of imagination and introspection. As each page turns, the absence of words ignites a deeper connection to the story’s essence, fostering a universal experience that unites individuals of all cultures and backgrounds.

In this guide, we will explore how to make a wordless book considering two different aspects. First, how we can make a picture book without words, and then how we can make a book with construction paper.

So, let’s get started.

Wordless picture books are a magical form of storytelling, transcending language barriers to connect with readers of all ages on a deeply emotional level. Through evocative illustrations, these books capture the essence of human emotions, drawing readers into captivating worlds of imagination and wonder. 

Here’s a step-by-step guide to making your own picture book.

Step 1: Research a Niche

Research is the cornerstone of any successful creative project. Begin by exploring various niches and themes that resonate with your own interests and passions. Platforms like SEMrush and Ahrefs can offer valuable insights into popular search trends, helping you identify topics that are in demand. However, don’t be afraid to follow your intuition and choose a niche that truly speaks to your heart.


Consider themes like friendship, family, adventure, nature, or even abstract concepts that can be visually represented. The key is to choose a niche that enables you to convey a wide range of emotions without relying on words.

Step 2: Get Ideas From Your Competitors

Your competitors can be a goldmine of inspiration. Analyze existing wordless picture books in your chosen niche, taking note of their strengths, weaknesses, and the emotions they evoke. Observe how different illustrators convey feelings and plot progression through their artistry.

Identify the unique elements in your competitor’s books, and think about how you can add your own creative twist to make your story stand out. Remember, it’s essential to bring your individuality to the project and not simply replicate what’s already been done.

Step 3: Write a Plot

While wordless picture books don’t rely on written language, having a well-structured plot is crucial. Your plot acts as the foundation upon which you’ll build your visual narrative. Develop a compelling storyline that resonates with your chosen niche and reflects the emotions you want to evoke.


Create a detailed storyboard that outlines the sequence of events, character development, and the emotional arc of your story. Consider introducing a relatable protagonist, a captivating setting, and potential challenges that your characters will face throughout their journey.

Step 4: Design Your Book

Designing your wordless picture book is where your creativity truly shines. Tools like Canva offer an array of features to help you bring your illustrations to life. Alternatively, explore AI-powered resources like Midjourney, which can provide a wide range of visual elements to enhance your artistic vision.


Consider the following elements when designing your illustrations:

a. Character Expression:

The key to eliciting emotions lies in your character’s expressions and body language. Pay close attention to how their faces and gestures change with each emotional shift. From broad smiles to subtle glances, every detail counts.

b. Use of Color and Contrast:

Colors play a pivotal role in setting the tone of your story. Bright, warm hues can convey joy and happiness, while cool, muted tones might evoke melancholy or nostalgia. Experiment with contrasts to highlight essential elements and guide the reader’s eye.

c. Seamless Sequential Flow:

Your illustrations must flow coherently from one page to the next. Aim for smooth transitions between scenes, allowing readers to effortlessly immerse themselves in the narrative.

Step 5: Infuse Human Emotions

As you craft your illustrations, always keep human emotions at the forefront of your mind. Emotions are the soul of your wordless picture book, and it’s crucial to infuse them into every element.

To depict joy, focus on vibrant, uplifting colors, and portray characters engaging in activities that bring them happiness. For sadness, opt for muted tones and gentle, touching gestures that convey vulnerability. Excitement can be portrayed through dynamic compositions, bold colors, and characters’ expressions reflecting their anticipation.

Step 6: Proofread and Seek Feedback

Even though your book won’t have any written text, proofreading is essential to ensure that your visual storytelling remains coherent and impactful. Invite friends, family, or colleagues to review your work and provide honest feedback. Consider collaborating with other illustrators or creatives in your network to gain fresh perspectives.

How to Make a Wordless Book With Construction Paper?

Here’s a straightforward guide to making a wordless book using construction paper. So grab your scissors and let your imagination soar!

Step 1: Gather Your Supplies

To get started, you’ll need a few basic supplies:

1. Construction Paper: Choose a variety of colors to bring your illustrations to life. You can opt for vibrant hues like red, yellow, blue, and green or more muted tones like pastels for a soothing effect. 

2. Scissors: A pair of child-friendly scissors work best, ensuring safety during the crafting process.
3. Glue Stick: This will help you attach your cut-out shapes to the pages of your book.

4. Markers or Colored Pencils (optional): While words won’t be part of your book, you can use markers or colored pencils to add small details or accents to your illustrations if you like.

Step 2: Plan Your Story

As mentioned above, you must plan your story. Every good book needs a compelling story, even if it doesn’t have words. Think about the emotions you want to convey and the journey you want to take your readers on. You can choose a theme like friendship, adventure, or love, or you can create an abstract story that leaves room for interpretation.

For example, if you want to show the joy of a sunny day, plan to use bright yellow paper for the sun and blue paper for the sky. You could cut out a smiling face to represent happiness and maybe even a kite soaring high in the air to show excitement.

Step 3: Cut Out Your Illustrations

Now comes the fun part – cutting out your illustrations! Use the construction paper to create shapes that represent different elements of your story. Let your creativity guide you as you cut out circles, squares, triangles, hearts, or any other shapes that fit your narrative.

If you’re telling a story about a family picnic, cut out shapes for people, a picnic basket, trees, and even some yummy snacks. Remember, your illustrations don’t need to be perfect; they just need to convey the emotions and ideas you have in mind.

Step 4: Arrange and Glue Your Illustrations

Once you have all your cut-out shapes ready, it’s time to bring your wordless book to life. Take a blank sheet of construction paper as your first page and start arranging your illustrations on it. Play around with the placement of the shapes until you’re happy with how they tell your story.

When you’re satisfied with the layout, use the glue stick to stick your shapes onto the page. Press gently to make sure they stay in place.

Step 5: Continue the Journey

Now your first page is complete, continue the journey by repeating Step 4 for the subsequent pages. Each page should represent a new scene or emotion in your story. As you progress through the book, keep the flow of the narrative in mind, ensuring that the emotions and ideas transition smoothly from one page to the next.

Step 6: Proofreading

You must proofread your book to ensure everything is perfect. You can hire a professional proofreader or send your book to your expert friend. Once they approve your book, you’re ready to share it wherever you want.


So, there you have it – the ins and outs of how to make a wordless book! In a nutshell, making a wordless book is like painting with emotions, allowing you to tell captivating stories without a single word. Start by charting your course and deciding which emotions you want to set free. If construction paper is your weapon of choice, cut out shapes that bring your narrative to life – people, animals, objects, you name it. Then, piece together each page like a puzzle, securing your creations with a trusty glue stick.


As you flip through the pages, your wordless book will pull heartstrings and ignite imaginations like never before. And when you’re done, don’t keep it to yourself – share your masterpiece and let others interpret the tale in their own unique way. Crafted with love, your wordless book becomes a bridge connecting souls through the universal language of art. So, grab your supplies and let the magic begin!


The purpose of wordless books is to encourage creativity and imagination, allowing readers to interpret the story in their own way through visual cues. They promote visual literacy and can be accessible to individuals of different languages or reading levels. Wordless books also foster interaction and engagement, making them suitable for group storytelling and discussions.
Wordless books transcend language barriers, promoting creativity and empathy through captivating visual storytelling, making them inclusive and valuable educational tools.

Disadvantages of wordless picture books include potential difficulty in conveying complex narratives and the possibility of some readers feeling lost or disconnected without text guidance. Additionally, wordless books may not cater to those who prefer traditional textual storytelling.

Wordless books can be enjoyed by readers of any age, but they are primarily designed for children, as they encourage imagination, visual literacy, and storytelling skills, making them especially appealing and beneficial for young minds.

The main difference between a picture book and a wordless book is that a picture book typically combines illustrations with a written narrative, while a wordless book solely relies on visual storytelling without any text or written story. Wordless books encourage readers to interpret the narrative through images, promoting creativity and imagination.

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